Wednesday, November 27, 2013

2014 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge

Original post: 2014 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge

I thought this challenge would be a good way to get some variety into the books I read, but maybe not. I might end up finding mysteries or teen fiction books that fit.


Jan- Around the World
Choose a book to read that takes place in a country different than the one you live in or choose a book written by an author that is from a country different than your own.
The Surrogate - Tania Carver (England)

Feb- Award Winner
Read a book that has won recognition or a literary award.
The Giver - Lois Lowry (Newberry Medal)

Mar- Fairy tales or Fairy Creatures
Read a fairy tale retelling or a book with fey/fairies in it
Cinder - Marissa Meyer (Cinderella)

Apr- Short & Sweet
Read a collection of short stories or anthologies.
Redeployment - Phil Klay (short stories)

May- Mystery, Murder, & Mayhem
Read a murder/mystery book, a book in which someone dies of mysterious causes, or a book in which a mystery must be solved.
The Immortals - JT Ellison

June- A Long Journey
Read a book in which the character(s) take a trip, go on a quest, or find themselves on a journey toward something, etc.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson

July- Assassins, Warriors, & Rebels
Read a book in which the main character is one of these things or fights against one of these things.
Variant - Robison Wells

Aug- Alternate Reality
Read a book that's set in the future, on another planet, in another dimension, or in an unknown world. A Dystopian book will count this month as well.

Sep- Book to Movie
Read a book that has a movie based off of it. For an extra challenge, see the movie as well.
Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn

Oct- The Witching Hour
There's been a lot of zombies lately, but this year include a 'witchy' book in your scary reads- a book about a witch or a book that has witches in it.

Nov- An Oldie but a Goodie
Pick a book published before 2000 that you've always wanted to read, but just never got to. Or pick a book set in the past (before 2000).

Dec- That's a Wrap
Finish a series you've been meaning to finish or read the next book in a series you started but never finished.

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